On August 11-15, 2023, it will take place in the Alba Carolina Fortress, the tenth edition of the Roman Apulum festival. The performances staged have the purpose of bringing before the public the reality of life two thousand years ago, from the time of the Dacians and the Romans. Enjoy the history! Be present in the past!

Dacians and Romans, craft workshops, ancient competitions and night parade with torches.
The current city of Alba Iulia rises above the ruins of the ancient Apulum, the largest Roman city in the province of Dacia and at the same time the political, economic, military and cultural center. The festival is held annually and gathers about 300 reenaches – Roman soldiers and civilians, Dacians warriors, gladiators, craftsmen or dancers. During four days, the visitors will be able to live the realities of a long -term world, one with Roman military demonstrations, with wars between Dacians and Romans, with gladiator struggles organized in their honor, with workshops, with games and slave fairs.
The festival will also take the scientific dimension. This component will have a greater magnitude at the current edition. Friday will bring the usual exhibition with pieces from the National Museum of the Union, but the subsequent scientific presentations will be greater than the previous editions, and the conference will be transmitted online. Source: https://ziarulunirea.ro/11-15-august-festivalul-roman-apulum-2023-dacii-si-romanii-ateliere-mestesugaresti-competitii-antice-si-parada-de-noapte-cu-torte-821511/?fbclid=IwAR2o7mFjSOhsVWqJS264PoW-gWG0wc1rfG6l1rFaci0-XyD9M4dtj_v9-FE